
6 Content Marketing Tactics to Boost Marketing-Generated Revenue

Content marketing has a major role in driving your business revenue. Optimizing the quantity and presenting the best content is bound to improve your company’s sales. According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), 73% of B2B marketers say that their marketing strategy comprises of content marketing. The crux of the matter is figuring out which content marketing tactics need to be employed to boost the revenue of your company.

How does a content-centric approach improve revenue?

Before dealing with the actual tactics, let’s know how content marketing improves the company’s revenue:

1.  Lead nurturing with informative content

The content you publish needs to educate and add value to your customers. This valued content can connect you to your clients on a different level. You can showcase the expertise you have in your industry with proper informative content. Casual visitors to your website can become potential leads with valuable content. Provide engaging content to expand your reach.

2. Builds trust and credibility

With focused and credible content, you can draw prospects to your website. Providing adequate justifications builds their trust in you and your brand. Offer specific and general solutions alike to demonstrate the command you have over your industry. Furthermore, catering to niche target audience with specific content will give a personalized touch and solidify their relationship with your business.

3.  Intensified brand recognition

With good, quality content, the brand is recognized, noticed and praised. Eye-catching content drives more visitors to your website and organic traffic ensues. Furthermore, with a good brand recognition, lead-gen will pick up and conversions will increase.

Top 6 effective content marketing tactics you need for improving business revenue

Now that you know how important a content-centric approach is for your business, let’s dive straight into the most effective content marketing tactics to give your revenue a substantial upsurge:

1.  Know your audience – and cater to their needs

Once you are aware of the buyer personas that segment your target audience, the onus is on you to supply them with content that suits their requirements. Publishing content which caters to multiple buyer personas optimizes your workload. A few aspects to be considered for creating blog content that is engaging as well as effective are:

  • Pinpointing on which subjects or topics your clients are interested in
  • Creating striking headlines to catch the viewers’ attention
  • Enforcing all elements of SEO by using relevant keywords, thus improving your SERP ranking and visibility
  • Aptly using images, infographics and/or videos
  • Enabling easy-to-use share buttons to spread awareness

When it comes to informative, in-depth content like whitepapers, you can consider the following:

  • Make sure that valuable insights are given rather than academic information which users can gather from elsewhere
  • Be careful in selecting a topic which matches with the audience’s needs and showcases your industry experience
  • Do not settle for a single source for information; gather from variable sources and conduct thorough investigative research
  • Structure the content by giving importance to readability and exuding professionalism

2.  Market, advertise, and amplify

Posting content alone is not enough. You need to market your content.

  • Make sure that links are mentioned on all your social media profiles.
  • Direct your ads to the target audience by taking the buyer personas into consideration.
  • Continually optimize and boost your content to nurture your leads.
  • Seek out the latest trends in the content marketing spectrum as well as your own industry to deliver the most relevant version of your content.
  • Your content ads appear on search engines, websites, blogs, social media platforms, sponsored posts, display ads, third-party publications, native advertising or even as sponsored content.
  • Your content needs to be advertised in such a way that the users gain information while also increasing their awareness about your brand, products or services.
  • You can reach specific demographics, technographics or firmographics – according to your need.
  • Use your own network to your advantage; leverage your professional relationships for advertising.

3.  Continuously track the results, analyze and aim for improvement

As mentioned before, content marketing isn’t a one-step process of simply posting the content. By using the relevant metrics, it is fundamental to repeatedly see what is working and what isn’t.

  • Use KPIs such as number of views, website visits, click-through rate, email open rate, SERP ranking, shares, downloads, leads generated, etc.
  • Try out different types of content: textual, visual, videographic, social media posts, thought leadership articles.
  • Be flexible to change or adjust your content if you are not getting satisfying results.
  • Multivariate or A/B testing can be carried out for multiple target audiences to filter out the irrelevant tactics.

4.  Seek out clients for testimonials, feedback or reviews

Happy customers have the potential to bring in more new clients. Word of mouth is a highly important way to improve a business.

  • With a small push through email marketing campaigns, you can invite feedback from your clients regarding the product/service you rendered to them or their overall experience in conducting business with you.
  • Share short reviews on social media; this will encourage other users to share their own.
  • You can request clients to fill feedback forms by incentivizing the process like providing exclusive discounts or other such offers.
  • Feedbacks also help in the monitoring process wherein you can analyze what is working and what is not for you to tweak as required.

5.  Actively participate in industry-related discussion forums and events

Active participation boosts brand awareness. By showing your presence in discussion forums and events, you can portray your relevance in the industry.

  • Online communities give you the opportunity to interact with prospects without sounding like an evident advertisement; thus building credibility.
  • Be active in forums where you find your target audience is active in discussions.
  • Include links to your website and social media profiles when creating accounts in forums to exude professionalism and expertise.
  • Be willing to share resources related to the topics, provide advice according to your experience and answer questions.
  • Consciously engage in academic conversations; you are not promoting your business but establishing yourself as an invaluable knowledgeable resource.

6.  Align your content with your brand

Your brand must be resplendent through the content you put out.

  • The content strategy needs to be a force of execution of your brand strategy.
  • The brand’s identity, image and reputation must be considered for creation of the content.
  • Consistency must be maintained in all the messaging formats.
  • Determine the voice of your brand and stick to it regardless of the form of content.
  • Map the content according to the sales and marketing funnels as well as the client’s journey.
  • Utilize brand stories with proper justification.
  • Weigh up buyer personas with the brand strategy; you can create separate marketing personas for content customization.
  • Tread the path of your brand’s vision, guidelines and visual and verbal language.
  • Never hesitate to refine your content strategy.

Wrapping up

By using the right strategy, content marketing helps in generating substantial business revenue. Choosing suitable content marketing tactics for your business is only one step of the process. Continuous evaluation is a must and adjustments need to be made whenever necessary. Keeping a customer-centric approach aids in lead nurturing, building trust and reliability and improves brand recognition. Knowing your audience, catering to their needs, marketing, advertising, amplifying content, tracking results, testimonials, industry event participation and aligning content with your brand will all help you reach your goal.

John Duff

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