
10 Ways to Generate Leads for Digital Marketing Agencies

Lead generation is the process of attracting potential prospects interested in your products and services and converting them into leads. It is more complex than it sounds because the prospects have to be curious enough about the products or services to become potential leads. Finding an efficient way to execute the process involves different methods and technologies, which will be discussed further in the article.

Many digital marketing agencies consider referrals as the only way to generate good quality leads. It’s time to burst the bubble! Lead generation must include new techniques for the spontaneous flow of qualified leads for digital marketing agencies.

Here is more reason to do so: The global digital advertising and marketing industry is estimated to reach a valuation of $1.5 trillion by 2030. These numbers indicate that agencies following legitimate business practices can make significant profits in the coming years.

Buckle down! Give it your all to learn about fascinating ways of lead generation!!

10 Significant Ways to Generate Leads for Digital Marketing Agencies:

The new lead-generation techniques for digital marketing agencies are based on building trust, relationships and demonstrating expertise. This is done because marketing efforts keep evolving. Here are ten proven lead-generation techniques that have gained momentum among prospects. Digital marketing agencies worldwide use them to reap the right, deserving results.

(After explaining each lead generation technique, we included suggestions, techniques, sub-categories, types, etc. Embody those recommendations in the way you generate leads to help your digital marketing agency stand out from the rest of the competitors.)

1. Search Engine Optimization:

The clients who will reach out to digital marketing agencies usually look up their concerns on Google. Emphasizing the fact that organizations should put effort into websites to rank on Google’s search engine result page through SEO.

What is SEO? It is Search engine optimization, a process that will ensure the online content matches the intent of the qualified client. Therefore, following the appropriate search engine optimization parameters will help digital marketing agencies to work with high-value prospects.

Digital marketing agencies should follow the mentioned SEO strategies to generate more leads: 

  1. Put forward helpful, reliable, and rich content and keep updating it regularly.
  2. Optimize for the keywords people use to look up things on the search engine.
  3. Link with other reputed websites to build trust and promote your brand.
  4. Ensure the web pages are accessible to crawlers.
  5. The web pages should be optimized to load fast and provide a fantastic user experience.
  6. Use proper data mark-up and proper Meta tags.
  7. The pages have to be mobile-friendly and accessible.

2. Pay-Per-Click:

Pay-per-click ads work very well as they help marketers connect with prospects they may not have associated with otherwise. Digital marketing agencies buy their way into search engine result pages for relevant keywords, giving them superior control over the keywords they wish to be associated with.

As the name suggests, agencies only have to pay when a prospect clicks on the link. This particular technique generates high-quality leads, as the leads are looking for specific services. Lastly, it is not as expensive as the other forms of advertisements.

Tips for optimizing the website with pay-per-click advertisement:        

  1. Work with result-driven tracking models, Such as UTM tracking, dynamic number insertion, and conversion tracking.
  2. PPC empowers you to be incredibly precise in your targeting. Take control and meticulously choose your target audience based on brand/competitors, product/service, target industry, and geographic location.
  3. By creating unique landing pages for each ad, you ensure that the key elements of your campaign are effectively delivered to your prospects, providing a reassuring boost to your campaign’s success.
  4. On a few platforms, when you run the ad, you have the opportunity to include a form, which increases the chances of lead conversion.
  5. Make the offers more compelling by including target keywords.

3. Networking:

This particular parameter can also be named social media, but your work doesn’t improve depending on your chosen social media platform. It relies on the quality of networking your agency practices on any social media platform.

The approach to interact with the right customer differs from one platform to another. However, it can enhance brand reputation and referral benefits associated with traditional business networking. Digital marketing agencies can achieve results as it is directly linked with amount of time invested and attention to detail.

Here are five top-notch platforms that will serve digital marketing agencies in the best way to generate leads.

  1. Alignable: Use this platform to establish local business connections, gain traction, and prioritize quality over quantity.
  2. Merchant Circle: Founded in 2005, Merchant Circle has a massive network that connects local businesses for marketing and networking.
  3. Angle list: Initially, the angle list was an excellent place for investors, but now it also connects start-ups.
  4. ProMatcher: This great local business directory connects local businesses with clients looking for services.
  5. Opportunity: A platform that helps businesses climb the social media ladder, by making the lead generation process simplified.

4. Lead Generating Websites:

A digital marketing agency should build a website that naturally brings in leads. If a website is not generating leads daily, it is entirely passive and unhelpful. This is mostly due to the lack of explanation on the website about “the services your agencies provide” and “how it will solve the concerns.” Your target prospect will start looking for a solution elsewhere in such scenarios.

To counter such scenarios, agencies must build a simple and user-friendly website. Valuable information should be easily downloadable, and the prospect can request registration without a hassle. Digital marketing agencies must manage all of these parameters, as doing so will make their website more noticeable and attract more traffic.

Digital marketing agencies should incorporate the following parameters in their websites to initiate the spontaneous flow of leads.

  1. Create a website with intuitive navigation.
  2. Having an impressive and relevant call to action button is a must.
  3. Social proof should be available on the website as it increases reliability and authenticity.
  4. Structuring the page as per prospects’ requirements is crucial.
  5. Continuous A/B testing to make better improvements in the website as and when required
  6. Include product imagery and video demos so prospects can clearly understand your offerings.

5. Webinars:

The online equivalent of Seminars is webinars. Lead-generating webinars are usually offered free of cost, as the webinar’s objective is to collect information about the attendees.

To make the webinars educational it’s best to indulge in topics that are of great interest to the target client. As a digital marketing agency, your target clientele is enormous, and niche-based webinars for each sector will be beneficial. It will build a place for the agencies to connect personally. Over time, attendees will trust your work and approach your organization when needing relevant services.

What digital marketing agencies need to know to make their webinar successful?

  1. Set up a webinar platform for your agency.
  2. The topic addressed in your webinar should be either engaging or trending.
  3. Promoting webinars is needed to attract a larger audience to your webinar.
  4. Conduct a trial run to ensure a smooth and confident delivery of your webinar. This includes checking factors such as profile display and name, testing equipment and internet speed, and making sure to log in on time. This preparation will make your agency feel more confident and prepared for the webinar.
  5. Monitor to measure your website performance.
  6. Follow up with the attendees to collect feedback about your webinar.

6. Industry Research Report:

One of the proven methods of vigorously generating leads is by offering full research reports or executive summaries for the industries your agency has worked with. This particular approach serves greatly as it strengthens your online brand and increases the credibility of your work. The only thing digital marketing agencies must consider is that the topics excite the clientele. Lastly, this research work can establish you as an industry leader and partner up with non-competitor brands, thereby reducing the marketing cost.

Types of industry research reports digital marketing agencies can promote to generate more leads:

  1. Define your target market in an industry research report. This will help the untapped targeted demographic reach out to you upon discovery of alignment with the targeted demographic.
  2. Segmenting your target market is an excellent research report for prospects to learn about the different categories in the industry in general.
  3. Identifying your value proposition can be an extensive industry research report because most organizations have multiple value propositions that need to be explained in depth for prospects to better understand.
  4. Choose research methods that deserve mention to educate your targeted prospect and encourage them to conduct their own research.

7. Video Marketing:

For a lot of good reasons, video marketing has gained immense popularity. Considering digital marketing agencies, it is an ideal marketing format. When flagship clients explain how your digital marketing firms solved a particular problem, it brings in quality leads. The video can be shared amongst the industry, automating the referral process for your business.

The videos can talk about multiple aspects, including your firm, new services or product launches, explaining complex marketing dynamics, your team, and more.

Types of videos that can be used for lead generation:

  1. Live videos: To gather live feedback and engage in real-time interaction, use social media platforms to send out alerts for live videos.
  2. Explainer videos: Use this video marketing format to highlight that increasing ROI is not the prime goal, but solving concerns and addressing the market gap are the actual driving forces for your business.
  3. Product demo videos: To build audience interest, product demo videos go a long way as they address all the pain points of the targeted audience.
  4. Brand awareness videos: Brand awareness videos strike the right chord with prospective clientele by telling stories about your brand’s origin, purpose, and solutions.
  5. Tutorial videos: Effectively informing audiences about products and services is vital, and tutorial videos do a very good job of this.

8. E-Books and Whitepaper:

You should offer a white paper on your website as it is the most effective lead generation for digital marketing agencies. It depends upon you whether your white paper would be free, whether it would be available upon registration, or whether it can be distributed through a third party.

Another lengthier, more in-depth research version of the white paper is e-books. It serves a similar purpose; the only thing is that it can provide much more in-depth knowledge about a subject, which can create a magnificent buzz and significantly increase the company’s reputation.

Digital marketing agencies should remember the following keynotes when creating whitepapers and eBooks that generate leads.

  1. Before developing an e-book or a whitepaper, define your goals and audience.
  2. The whitepaper and e-book have to be written in a clear, engaging style.
  3. The content needs to be edited and proofread to avoid any forms of error.
  4. Promote and distribute your content on multiple platforms to excite the readers.

9. Email Campaigns:

Email marketing has the power to increase the conversion rate; it is a crucial part of the lead generation strategy. Simply by reaching out to subscribers through personalized email content can generate significant numbers of qualified new leads. Multiple formats contents can be shared through emails, such as newsletters, promotional emails, transactional emails, and more, can be shared with the clients for nurturing.

To start impactful email campaigns, start building an email list, or get in touch with a trusted b2b database provider to get started with the process faster. Additionally, it ensures the emails are tapping into the right inboxes. The only thing you need to remember is that with better content, the more prospects will read it, and the less likely it will be marked as spam.

Digital marketing agencies incorporate the following factors in email marketing to beat your competitors:

  1. Optimize your email marketing efforts with lead scoring
  2. The email you design has to be clean and concise
  3. Use a subject line that grabs the attention of the masses
  4. The importance of a strong CTA button cannot be understated
  5. The website should also include content updates at regular intervals and gated content.
  6. Use automation tools to run multiple campaigns.

10. Blogging:

Blogging is left for the last, but its contribution is enormous for lead generation. As it is not the driver for direct leads, at the same time, it is the effective driver of leads for your website. For instance, blogs create a large number of keyword-laden content. This increases the chances of the blog ranking on the SERP, eventually dragging the high-value prospect to the website—another legitimate reason to host your blogs on your websites.

Once the blog is published, promote it on multiple social media platforms. Besides, without the appropriate number of blogs published by your digital marketing agencies, your SEO efforts will be completely handicapped and won’t generate fruitful results.

Why do digital marketing agencies need to focus on blogging to generate leads?

  1. Organic traffic is cheaper than paid traffic.
  2. Website authority can be increased through blogging significantly
  3. Your lead generation quality and quantity improve exponentially
  4. Semantic SEO resonates with the audience on a deeper level
  5. Analyze the keyword search intent, which benefits multiple marketing aspects apart from blogging

The above lead generation techniques can become the Holy Grail for any digital marketing agency creating a robust marketing plan. B2B digital marketing agencies can further benefit by incorporating lead-generating tools. It can help them reach a larger audience quicker, saving valuable resources and time. With tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator and HubSpot, businesses can instantly identify and target potential clients, instantly resonating with their prospects. Tools can also help digital marketing agencies track the effectiveness of their campaigns and automate tasks.


To sum it up, we want to highlight the fact that a minimum of four follow-ups are crucial for a lead to perform. Therefore, persistence is the way to keep the conversion going. Lead generation is required for any business, and for a digital marketing agency, it is of utmost importance. The organization’s growing revenue depends upon it. It helps develop relationships with new clients and more as it is mentioned above in the blog. Moreover, it is a low-cost method that provides organizations with all data. Lastly, encourage them to stay ahead of the competition and their overall performance.

John Duff

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