The General Data Protection Regulation is a newly updated EU policy which replaced the Data Protection Directive (DPD) with an intention to improvise the protection of the personal data. This policy applies to the entities within EU as well as the non-EU businesses who are involved in marketing their products to EU.

As your trusted marketing solution partner, we help you on your GDPR compliance voyage. At Thomson Data, our entire organization works to ensure that we follow GDPR-compliant practices. At the same time, it is essential for us to help our customers and partners to make them understand the impact of this law on their businesses and also to develop a GDPR compliance process of their own.

Essential Details of GDPR and About the Preparation of Thomson Data:

Are You Ready for Next Step?

At Thomson Data, we are working with our team to address the customer needs around GDPR. You can always email us at or call +1-800-385-8221 for any GDPR related questions subjected to our company. Also, for any general queries, you can read the full FAQ on EU’s official website.
“Our team and our customer share the responsibilities of Data Protection Obligations.”
Disclaimer: This content is not legal advice for you to use in complying with the GDPR. So, we insist you consult an attorney for authorized advice. This website provides only the background information to help you understand how Thomson Data addresses the legal points.

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