Canada Business Email List

Canadian Companies Email Database

Buy Prepackaged & Customized Canada Mailing List, Telemarketing List and Email List of Canadian Businesses that Let You Reach Targeted Markets In The Canada!

Thomson Data helps your business overcome most of the problems faced in cross-border marketing with our specialized Canadian business data network.

We collaborate with key data providers across every single territory and province to provide you with the latest permission-based consumer and business contact lists for Canada, updated every 90 days. Furthermore, our Canada databases give you access to millions of consumers and over 180, 000 businesses across Canada.

Available Canada Email Lists

Canada Technology Users Mailing Lists Canada Business Mailing Lists Canada HR Mailing List
Canada Healthcare & Medical Mailing Lists Canada C-Level Mailing Lists Canada Nurses Lists
Canada Hospital Mailing List Canada B-2-B Mailing Lists Canada Dentists List
Canada Professional Mailing List Canada Physicians List Canada Doctors list
Canada Government List Canada Lawyers List And More!

    What You Need Is Here

    Benefits that Empower You

    Anti-spam Laws Compliance

    Updated / Verified List

    More than 90% Delivery Guarantee

    Save Time / Resource

    Reach Targeted Audience

    Maximized Revenue

    Custom List Selections

    Company size

    Geographic Locations

    Industry Affiliations

    Job Titles/ Functions

    Technology Tracking

    Assets Size

    Our Customers Love Us!

    Experian Logo
    Thomson Data helped Experian complete a deal that was painstakingly difficult but yet a genuine necessity.
    SugarCRM Logo
    Thomson Data has helped SugarCRM to strategically align marketing capabilities and by leading company’s initial success.
    Taurus Logo
    Thomson Data fast tracks sales for Taurus by targeting IT decision makers with multi-channel marketing.

    Finding The Perfect Canada Mailing List

    All of your marketing efforts can be negated over something as simple as picking the wrong bunch of people to target. And with over 3000 mailing lists in Canada, it can be quite a task identifying one that best suits your requirements. Get in touch with our list professionals and they’d be happy to help you put together the ideal set of contacts based on your campaign needs.

    We hold consumer and business information across every core industry in Canada and can put you in touch with 1.3 million Canadian executives, actively involved in critical decision-making and be formulating company policy. When you work with Thomson Data, our extensive marketing experience combined with a custom built list is guaranteed to give you are offering a quality head start into the Canadian market.

    Giving YOU The Bulk Advantage!

    Considering the massive amounts of information that we source on a frequent basis, we are in a position to negotiate attractive volume discounts from our compilers. And, with the most competitive prices on offer, we’re more than happy to pass the advantage on to you. All our data is collected and refined in line with our exclusive data compilation standards, making sure you receive the most responsive lists and maximize your ROI.

    So, for what you guys are waiting? Call us Now
    For Getting the Best Results from Your Marketing Programs With Thomson Data’s Qualified Leads,

    Call us today at +1-800-385-8221

    Email us at

    Achieved Target

    Our Canada Business Email List Includes:

    First Name Last Name
    Company Name Job Title
    Email Address Phone Number
    Fax Number Mailing Address
    Company Website Industry
    SIC Code NAICS Code
    Employee Size Revenue Size
    LinkedIn Profile And More.!

    Let us help you reach your full potential

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