White Papers

Ultimate Guide to Improve your Email Deliverability

Email deliverability is defined as a scenario where the email reaches the proper recipient's inbox without being blocked or spammed…

Best Practices for Writing an Effective Email and B2B Technology Application [Whitepaper]

With so many emails reaching a consumer every day, there is a tendency to delete the mail even without opening…

The Role of AI-Assisted Solutions in Shaping Modern Sales and Marketing [Whitepaper]

Artificial intelligence is a big thing in the industry. The solution that is known for inducing human-like intelligence into the…

The Truth About Reaching IT Buyers [Whitepaper]

If you are a marketer who wants to make some strategic changes in the IT sales, you are in the…

A Beginners Guide to Generating Leads For It Industry [Free Guide]

The ever-increasing competition online has made lead generation a tedious task. Despite the massive data available on their fingertips, the…

Data-Driven Installed Base [White Paper]

A high-quality Installed Base or Installed Customer Base is crucial for the success of any technology company. It is this…

The Impact of Data Accuracy [White Paper]

Data forms a critical role in every business. Be it a small scale or a large enterprise, the accuracy of…

Nitty Gritty Email Marketing [White Paper]

Email marketing is a vital component for many businesses, especially for customer relationships. When executed correctly, the email marketing strategy…

Email Marketing [White Paper]

Most of the B2B companies use email marketing to contact their prospects and customers around the globe. It is not…